CibleR API implementation documentation




Configuration variables

customerId : XX

Those varaibles will be given to you by CibleR.

Order tracking API request

Call this API server side (Your Site –> CibleR) for each paid order.

 POST :  [ENV]/api/campaignBehaviors/order/{customerId}

Body exemple

        "key": "d4c6c0b6-03fb-468e-b635-fe1ce4a44080",
        "phone": "3360000000",
        "country":"FR / FRA",
        "siteId": 13,
       "userBalance": 75
       "point": 75,
        "taxes": 2.00,
        "orderLines": [
                "productId": 5,
                "name": "Perceuse",
                "quantity": 2,
                "category": 11,
                "orderType": "Standard",
                "unitPrice": 34.00,
                "sellerId": 0

Properties definitions

Property Type Description Mandatory
orderContext.key String Api key given by CibleR YES String Email of the user YES String phone number of the user NO String Country code YES
orderContext.environnement String Environnement of the website YES
orderContext.siteId Integer Unique identifer of the website YES
orderContext.customerGuid String Internal unique identifier of the user YES
orderContext.userBalance Long current number of loyalty point after purchase NO
cookieId String Value of the cookie named cibler_id YES
orderInformation.orderId Long Internal unique identifier of the order YES
orderInformation.points Long addition loyalty point for this purchase NO
orderInformation.totalSpent Double Total amount of the order taxes and shipping included YES
orderInformation.taxes Double Taxes YES
orderInformation.shippingCost Double Cost of shipping YES
orderInformation.giftCode String Code used by the user (can be null) YES
orderInformation.discountAmount Double Amount of discount (can be null) YES
orderInformation.orderLines Array List of products NO
orderInformation.orderLines.productId String Id or SKU of the product YES String Name of the product NO
orderInformation.orderLines.quantity Integer Quantity of products YES
orderInformation.orderLines.category String Category of the product NO
orderInformation.orderLines.orderType String Standard or Marketplace YES
orderInformation.orderLines.unitPrice Double Unit price of the product taxes included YES
orderInformation.orderLines.sellerId Long Id of the seller NO

Automatic coupon generation

Sequence diagram One Coupon OK

 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter CibleR coupon in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = true
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : create a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : add the coupon to the order
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend : make the order with the coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST campaignBehaviors/order with CibleR coupon
 backend->>backend : Update state giftCode / prize

Sequence diagram Two Coupons OK

 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter coupon A CibleR in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if the coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = true
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : create a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : add the coupon to the order
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter coupon B CibleR in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = true
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : create a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : add the coupon to the order
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend : make the order with 2 coupons
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST campaignBehaviors/order with CibleR coupons
 backend->>backend : update state giftCode / prize

Sequence diagram Two Coupons KO

 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter coupon A CibleR in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if the coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = true
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : create a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : add the coupon to the order
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter coupon B CibleR in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = false
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : Do not create ecommerce-backend coupon
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend : make the order with only 1 coupon (A)
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST campaignBehaviors/order with coupon A CibleR
 backend->>backend : Update state giftCode / prize

Sequence diagram Two Coupons KO

 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter coupon A CibleR in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if the coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = false
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : create a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : add the coupon to the order
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend: enter coupon B CibleR in the order
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend: if coupon is not a ecommerce-backend coupon
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST giftCode/Validate
 backend->>ecommerce-backend : canUse = true, combinable = true
 ecommerce-backend->>ecommerce-backend : Do not create ecommerce-backend coupon
 finalUser->>ecommerce-backend : make the order with only 1 coupon (A)
 ecommerce-backend->>backend : POST campaignBehaviors/order with coupon A CibleR
 backend->>backend : Update state giftCode / prize

API request

Request must be done server side when a coupon is entered by the end user. If coupon is not one of your coupon, you must call the API to verifiy if the coupon is a CibleR coupon and get the values of the coupon.

  POST :  [ENV]/api/giftCodes/validate/{customerId}
Exemple de body
   "email" : "",
   "cibler_id" : "AZ34R5TYU7UY654RE32RT6YT",
   "code" : "BJGJT9DJAAAA",
   "cart": {
      "total" : 132600,
      "items" : [{
        "name":"ACME Foldable Canoe",
      }, {
        "name":"Large yellow toothbrush",
Response example

When coupon is valid.

     "canUse": true,
     "message": null,
     "value": 5.0,
     "threshold": 30.00,
     "combinable": false,
     "discountType": "VALUE",
     "description": "5€",
     "expirationDate": "2021-06-23",
     "products": null,
     "categories": null

When coupon is not valid

     "canUse": false,
     "message": "Ce code n'existe pas",
     "value": null,
     "threshold": null

Response Properties definitions

Property Type Description Mandatory
canUse Boolean True if coupon can be used by the user YES
message String Error message YES
value Double Value of the coupon YES
threshold Double Threshold for this coupon YES
combinable Boolean True is the coupon can be used with other coupons YES
discountType Enum Defines the type of the coupon VALUE, PERCENT, FREESHIPPING YES
expirationDate Datetime Date when the coupon will expire YES
products List of String When this list if filled, this means that the coupon is only eligible on the products of the list YES
categories List of String When this list if filled, this means that the coupon is only eligible on the categories of the list YES

Coupon creation API

Request example

Alternatively you can provide an secured API for CibleR to call to create a voucher in your system. The api should accept the following request body and create the voucher in your system. Response is not required, return status should be 200-OK.

Body example
  "code": "YHBGFREZERFRE",
  "value": 10,
  "discountWholeCart" : 1,
  "name" : "Code 10% CibleR",
  "discountType": "PERCENT or VALUE",
  "threshold": 100,
  "description": "10 %",
  "combinable": true,
  "expirationDate": "2019-07-03",
  "campaignId": 63006938,
  "customerId": 4,
  "numberOfUsage": 43,
  "user": {
    "email": "",
  "products": [
  "categories": [
Properties specifications
  • user can be null
  • products list can be empty. If set it means the created coupon must only be used on the specified produtc
  • categories can be empty. If set, it means the created coupons must only be used on the specified categories


If you have any trouble contact us at